Every seasonal change brings new allergies along. What are they and how can an air purifier help you prevent and improve your symptoms?

Seasonal allergies are the result of exposure to volatile substances that are present only during certain times of the year. Spring and summer are undoubtedly the seasons that cause the greater quantity of symptoms, due to the presence of birch, hazelnut and alder pollens. In Autumn too, during the ragweed blooming period, the onset of allergic reaction is frequent.

Our immune systems recognizes the agents we are allergic to as aggressors, and releases substances in our blood to create a barrier against them. This is what causes seasonal allergy symptoms.

Seasonal allergy symptoms

Seasonal allergy is commonly called hay fever not by accident: hay fever is a reaction caused by grass. The most common seasonal allergy symptoms are itchy nose, palate, retropharyngeal area and eyes, rhinitis and cough. Also paranasal sinuses can obstruct, causing headaches and, occasionally, infections such as head cold.

How can you discriminate between seasonal allergy and cold? On one side, familiarity and symptoms are the first red flags; however, only an allergist’s medical examination can diagnose allergies, manage their symptoms and prevent their onset.

Seasonal allergies: remedies

Lo specialista, sulla base dei test effettuati, potrebbe consigliare dei farmaci antistaminici efficaci nell’agire contro le congestioni nasali causate dall’allergia stagionale e alleviare i sintomi quali prurito, starnuti, secrezioni nasali e lacrimazione.

The specialist, based on the tests carried out, may recommend antihistamines effective against nose congestion caused by seasonal allergies, and mitigate symptoms such as itchiness, sneezing, nasal secretions and tearing.

Some food supplements too may be of aid in treating seasonal allergy symptoms.

Preventing seasonal allergies

In order to keep your seasonal allergies under check and prevent the onset of symptoms, you can adopt a series of measures, including:

  • Avoid strolling in fields, lawns or gardens with freshly cut grass.
  • Keep your windows closed between 10 am and 4 pm – the period during which pollen concentration is higher – and anticipate or postpone any outdoor activity.
  • Use special face masks and wear dark glasses during the day, when you are out.
  • Do not hang your laundry to dry outside, as pollen can stick to linen and towels.
  • Install an anti-pollen filter in your car (and replace it at every car service).
  • At home and at the office, keep the environment clean to reduce the presence of allergens, and buy an air purifier with HEPA filter (High Efficiency Particulate Air) to neutralize pollen concentration.

A smart purifier, such as Hoover H-PURIFIER, connected to the hOn app, will allow you to create your allergic profile. The Pollen Alert mode will activate automatically, and the smart purifier will neutralize 100% of pollen in the air, thanks to the Pollen Neutralizer technology, thus preventing allergic symptoms. After capturing the allergens through the three-layer filter, filtered air is diffused through a 360° flow system, toward the ceiling first, and then throughout the room, to reach every room in your house quickly and effectively. Thanks to its incredible performances, it just takes 10 minutes to purify the air in your room!

Smart air purifier are great alleys to prevent seasonal allergies. An effective solution against your symptoms, thanks to their technology that neutralizes 100% of pollen.

, 1 February 2022 hOn