* Considered 1.710.000 hOn annual users – 4.5 Bilion Total liters/year saved by all hOn users. Olympic swimmimg pool capacity = 2.500.000 liters.
Source: https://ennapress.it/piscine-olimpioniche-caratteristiche-dimensioni-temperature/
* Considered 1.710.000 hOn annual users – 470.250.000 total kWh/y of energy saved by all hOn users. Conversion from kWh to kg of CO2 (1kW = 0,5kg) – 235.125.000 Total kg/y of CO2 not produced by all hOn users. CO2 absorbed by 1 tree (30kg) – 7.837.500 Trees that avoid to absorbe all the CO2. 1 hectare of wood has 1.000 trees – 7.838 Hectares of wood. Football field is about 0,7 hectars – 8.754 Total number of football fields.
Sources: Ministero dell'Ambiente, Convertworld, https://www.reteclima.it/l-albero-mangia-la-co2/, https://www.simbiosimagazine.it/ecologia-forestale/un-mare-di-alberi-la-verita-dietro-i-proclami/
* Considered 1.710.000 hOn annual users = families. 65 kg of fresh food wasted every year by a family. 1000 kg the weight of food eaten by a person per year.
Sources: Rapporto “Il caso Italia” 2022 di Waste Watcher International, https://goodseedventures.com/worldwide-food-consumption-per-capita-2/
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